Our club was established in 1902 and is one of the larger clubs within the EAF and the UK. We are a membership of around 200 enthusiastic amateur photographers. Our club is based on education and much of our activity is within our Specialist Interest Groups with Practical Workshops, Critique evenings, Technical sessions and we give help and guidance to those working towards photographic distinctions and much more. These activities are underpinned with weekly meetings of photographic talks and competitions. There is an Annual Exhibition of Prints and PDIs, which will next run in October 2024, with awards presented by the Mayor and our sponsors, to whom we are extremely grateful.
We are beyond the halfway point of a packed season of inspirational speakers, competitions, trips, tutorials as well as our Annual Exhibition which is still available online. The competitions, both PDI and PRINT have been hard fought, with the Serial PDI now concluded, but the Print, still running. The Special Interest Group meetings have been another stunning array of topics, that not only teach us all, but inspire as well. The latest was Light Painting, which resulted in many lovely images. Add to this the variety of trips and outings that have been organised as well and are still ongoing..
As a club we warmly welcome everyone with an interest in photography, whether that is taking images or enjoying images. If you are at the beginning of your journey with photography, as a Club we can help you increase your skills. If you have been taking photographs for many years you will find our members eager to chat about all aspects photography. Our season closes in May, but Special Interest Groups continue through the Summer, with our experienced members ready to share their knowledge and passion. There really is something for everyone. If you are reading this, you're already here. Please take a look around our public website to see literally 100s of inspiring images from our members, and perhaps take the next step by following the membership link below, or contact our membership secretary to learn more. Debra Bennett, President
Membership: If you would like to join us, please fill in a Membership Application.
A video, made by Tim Marchant and originally shown at the opening of the 2022 Annual Exhibition, gives an excellent overview of the club and its activities.
See below
Serial Print Competition 2024-25 Season WINNERS
Following the final round, the cumulative scores have now been totalled and our congratulations go to:
Colour: 1st Clive Downes score 58/60; Joint 2nd Jim Bennett & Stacey Purkiss score 56/60
Monochrome: 1st Andrew Colgan score 57/60; Joint 2nd Clive Downes, Debra Bennett and Jim Cromwell score 56/60, D
Well done to all those who entered across all 3 rounds.
Serial Print Competition 2024-25 Round 3
Members entered 26 Colour and 24 Monochrome images for the final round of the Serial Print Competition.
Due to the M11 delaying our judge's journey, the colour images were judged by member David Steel, for which we are very grateful. The monochrome images were judged by our visiting judge, Alison Jenkins ARPS DPAGB CPAGB/AV BPE1* to whom we are also very grateful. Both judges gave fullsome and helpful critique of the images. Congratulations to those who scored the ultimate 20/20:
Colour: Lachlan French; Jim Bennett; Clive Downes.
Monochromme: Philip Gravett; Jim Bennett; Philip Earl
Please enjoy the other high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.
Serial Print Competition 2024-25 Round 2
54 members entered the Second Round. The standard was very high, reflected in the number scoring 20/20. This round was thoughtfully judged by friend to the club Roy Essery MPAGB. Again, Roy was very complimentary about the standard in general, and our congratulations to those who scored the ultimate 20/20:
Colour: Jim Cromwell; Jim Bennett; Stacey Purkiss; John Harvey; Clive Downes; Gyles Glover
Monochromme: Allan Hale; Vivienne Houghton; Jim Cromwell; Peter Baker; Debra Bennett
Please enjoy the other high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.
Serial Print Competition 2024-25 Round 1
7th October 2024 Our first Round for the Serial Print competition. We welcomed back Naomi Saul ARPS EFIAP ASINWP DPAGB APAGB BPE4* as our judge, who commented that the 'high quality of the work overall has made the judging all the more enjoyable'. Her critique was full and helpful to all and we thank her for it.
Our congratulations go to those who impressed Naomi to gain the top mark (20/20):
Colour: John McDowell, Bob Coote, Stacey Purkiss
Monochrome: Clive Downes, Michael Harris, Ken Bingham
Please enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.
This is a serial competition of 3 rounds. Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3.
Serial PDI Competition 2024-25 Season WINNERS
The cumulative scores have been totalled for all 3 rounds and our congratulations go to:
Colour: John Bullpit; Andrew Colgan, score 57/60
Monochrome: Peter Baker; Philip Earl, score 57/60.
Well done to all those who entered across all 3 rounds.
Serial PDI Competition 2024-25 Round 3
For the third and final round of the Serial PDI competition we enjoyed a good field of 63 images (33 Colour; 30 Mono). All were skillfully critiqued and judged by Ben Pike , to who we offer our thanks.
Our congratulations go to top scorers (20/20) in THIS round - (Colour): Yvette Smith and Philip Earl and (Monochrome) : Yvette Smith and Vivien Houghton
Enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.
PDI Panel Competition 2024-25 Results
On Monday, we had this annual competition in which members present a panel of 5 images, arranged in up to 3 rows. The 5 images must be good in their own right, but also look good as a set - the 6th image. They can tell a story, or have a common theme e.g. colour, shape, subject etc.
Congratulations go to Barry Badcock (former Club President) on his winning images titled "Playpark Shapes". Our excellent Judge Nick Ackers, appreciated how well these images had been seen - simple objects, so cleverly captured as eye-catching designs, which also really came together so well as a set. We thank Nick Ackers for his excellent critique of all 36 panels entered. Click on the above image to see the other top-scoring panels. Great inspiration!
Serial PDI Competition 2024-25 Round 2
This is a serial competition of 3 rounds. Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3. For the second round it was pleasing to see so many entries - 47 Colour; 45 Mono).
Our thanks to Chris Palmer FRPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP for judging this round for us and providing such excellent critique of each image, which is so helpful to the authors.
Our congratulations go to top scorers (20/20)
Colour: Jim Bennett, John Bulpitt, Andrew Colgan, Martin Johnson
Monochrome: Philip Earl, Nick Bowman
Enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.
Points of View 2024/25
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This is a fun competition open to all members. There are 5 themes, a location, a date and and certain hours of the day in which the members must take their images. This year the location was Ely and the themes were Cathedral View from a Distance; Riverways; Market Day; Old; 3 or 5. As last year's winner, Sue Badcock organised the event and gave her critque of the entries at the meeting on 21st Octover. Congratulations Don Fleet🏆 (Don's images are above) and Runners Up - Jenny Collier and Penny Reeves.
A number of CCC Members have their own websites, and a list of these can be found here. Shown below is a small selection of Member sites (CCC is not responsible for the external links).
Zoo and Nature Photography - Steve Williams
Steve Williams would say he is not a 'nature expert', but he does manage to capture excellent animal portraits as well as a huge range of birdlife along with butterflies, dragonflies and damsel flies. Whilst many images are taken in the wild, the more exotic creatures in his collection were actually captured in zoo enclosures. But with skill and careful planning, he was able to keep elements of the zoos well hidden. As he presented his images, he also took us on an extensive tour ofthe zoos, wildlife parks and nature reserves of the UK along with many tips on how to plan to get the best of what you find there. The image above however, was actually taken in his back garden, proving that you don't always have to travel far to capture nature in action. This is Steve's second visit to the club. Steve's website gives more information on his work and his other talks.
Light, Cameras, Action! - Roger Evans MPAGB, FBPE, EFIAP/p
'Light, Cameras, Action' (Not Lights, Camera, Action) Roger gave an entertaining talk to the club on the highlights of his sports photography 2018 to 2022 and included his transition from DSLR to Mirrorless along with shooting prior, during and post Covid. Most impressive were his photos of the gymnastics and he admitted that this is a favourite subject. But we have seen Roger before and know that he excels in all sports photography. Each event is carefully researched and he knows where to get the best shots, but he likes to experiment too in the hope he can present the agency with a different 'take' of an athlete/event. He was generous with advice to budding sports photographers with an eye to the commercial aspects: what the agencies and the public like to see, as well as the usual detail on equipment, F-stop, shutter speed and ISO. Roger can be found on Instagram and Flickr.
The Romance of Landscape Photography, Mark Littlejohn
Mark Littlejohn gave a spellbinding talk to a well-attended club meeting. His presentation style transported everyone to the wonderful landscapes which he managed to capture with such artistry. One member described t=his images as 'achingly beautiful' and everyone really enjoyed the evening. His work has has been featured in a variety of national magazines and he has also written several articles in relation to landscape photography and his particular approach to it.
He prefers the less popular view and concentrates his efforts in the earlier part of the day. In the main he stayed close to his previous home in Penrith situated midway between Ullswater and the Eden Valley, Mark now lives in the north west Highlands of Scotland, Wester Ross. He sees little point in constantly travelling in search of exotic locations, when quite often a beautiful image can be just around the corner from your front door. Visit Mark's website for wonderful inspiration
My Creative journey - Lynda Haney FBPE MPAGB EFIAP
Mother's Love
Lynda was introduced to photography by her father at a very young age - 6 or 7 years old, when he described it as 'magic'. She was hooked. She learned by trial and error, finding her way into new techniques, new styles, whilst she taught physics full time. She acquired her first digital camera in 1994 along with a copy of Photoshop 4.0 and has never looked back. She tentatively went into Club competitions and realised the feedback was very useful. Growing in confidence, she started to do well and was encouraged to enter BPEs. She finally achieved her Fellowship (500+ Salon acceptances). She retired from teaching, and started to explore her local area and particularly the zoo, and then just 'started playing' back home. This way her love of creating composite images began. Her main photographic interest has always been wildlife and wildlife features strongly in many of her images, She enjoys the time spent in post processing as much as time spent with a camera in hand. Very self-efacing and modest, Lynda is an example of pure passion combined with curiousity and imagination - she'll try anything and never stops learning. The second half she gave us great tips on how to create some wonderful composite images. Did you know that if you talk for long enough to sheep - they will turn and look at you!?!
My Journey into Theatre Photography - Cat Humphries
Cat's talk took us all the way from her days as an enthusiastic camera club member to a professional theatrical photographer. From little acorns .... she attended a camera club outing to a theatre group's rehearsal, but was the only member to turn up. There was a spark - she shared her best images and when the theatre group were rehearsing for their next performance, they invited her back. Though quite shy, she kept going for every opportunity, taking risks and learning by mistakes. She got a break when she met a professional photographer who was impressed enough to ask her to step in for him, when he was double booked. She has never looked back. From documenting young performers at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the 1990s to shooting vintage Hollywood portraits for Sunset Boulevard in 2019, she took us on her amazing trip through her adventures in theatre photography. She was generous with her hints and tips and lessons she learned along the way.
Portraits, People and Photojournalism - Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE5*
Roger is a highly experienced photographer, perhaps best known for his nature photography. However, in this talk, he gave us some great hints and tips about tracking something else - people! He was not only generous in sharing his methods to get a great portrait, or candid image, but he also took us to the places and situations that he finds are a a very good source of images. In his words:
"In this talk I show a range of 'People Pictures'. The images will cover candid's, photojournalism, as well as studio and available light portraits. I explain, as well as giving examples, why some subjects can work in colour, while others can be considerably improved by converting to monochrome. I show some of the best places in the UK to go for 'people pictures': Speakers Corner, Brick Lane, Tate Modern, Blist Hill Victorian Village, The Black Country Museum, The Beamish Museum, 1940's weekends, Tough Guy event, and the Victory Show. I also cover working in a studio with flash and show how to take pictures at Live Rock events and explain how to take candid pictures without people noticing you."
Thanks Roger for another very inspiring evening. See Roger's website for much more.
15-30 Minutes of Fame
Another very popular evening at the club when four members give around 30 minutes on a topic of their choice. This year, we were delighted to welcome these members Philip Miles (top left) : Finding art in Refuse; Nick Bowman (top right) "Water Sports"; Jim Bennett (bottom left) "My Creative Process"; Jane Moore (bottom right) "African Wildlife". Each put a fantastic talk together, with funny anecdotes, useful processing insights and some serious safety tips!! Thank you one and all.
Rediscovering our Forgotten Heritage - Matt Emmett
Matt treated us to a spellbinding talk and took us to and through so many buildings, long forgotten and left to rot. Yet still showing some beautiful features despite their state of dereliction. In his words:
There is a thrill in exploring an environment that allows you to step into a previously unknown world and discover something first-hand, taking your time and noting the details as you go. Having a camera with me allows me to prolong that thrill long after the building is gone. Capturing their character and stillness comes across well in the photos and is something people tell me they love about the images.
It has been put to me that photographing ruins and abandonment is beautifying something actually quite negative that impacts real people and society in general. Photographers didn’t cause the site to fail and fall into a derelict state and with my own work I don’t feel there’s a parallel with photographers who shoot among the ruins of a town like Detroit and the human tragedy unfolding there. I am interested purely in capturing the aesthetics, character and history of the building, showing the passage of time and the effects of nature on a structure that is no longer being maintained.
Thank you to Matt for a really fascinating talk. See Matt's website for much more.
Cambridge Inter-Club Digital Competition 2025 results
The annual Inter-Club Digital Competition was held at Whittlesford with 29 clubs from the EAF taking part. Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* was the judge. There was a tie between Bishop’s Stortford Camera Club and Photo Imaging Cooperative, both on 98 points (out of a possible 100) and the winning club was decided by their reserve, tie-breaker image. First place was awarded to Bishop's Stortford.
The Roy Pitman Trophy for the best image was won by Les Cornwell from Loughton Camera Club for his image 'The Thrill of Skateboarding'.
The competition was attended by around a hundred spectators from the participating clubs. This year the lead sponsor was Wex Photo Video, represented by Matthew de Salles, which gave vouchers for the winning club and best image.
Results can be seen here.
Close-up Photography - Dr Peter Warne
Monday, 19th November, Peter Warn delighted the members with his detailed talk on close-up photography. Peter is a biologist by training and from an early age had an interest in wildlife and its appearance under the microscope. His macro photography therefore, is mainly concerned with capturing pictures of things to be found in the garden, forest and his second home, the restoration project of Copped Hall just below Epping. The start of his talk described the challenges of close-up/macro photography and the tools to help overcome them. He generously gave us the benefit of all his experience and research, and provided extensive notes on the tools he described. All this was interleaved with some cracking macro photography with all the details of his approach and settings, plus equipment used on the day. The second half addressed specific techniques and compositional ideas by which the subjects may be converted from a record into a photograph. Thoroughly enjoyable.
CCC Success at 50th Smethwick International Exhibition
We congratulate three members who all had great success with acceptances in the 50th Smethwick International Exhibition. From thousands of entries, we had Sally Freeman - who had 4 images accepted and won a judges medal; John McDowall had 3 images; and Peter Baker great success with 7 images. So an amazing 14 images in total from Cambridge and a judges medal. Click on the image above to enjoy all the images and zoom in on individual images.
Peter Baker wins Medal at London Salon
Congratulations to our member - Peter Baker, who won one of the 10 Medals that are awarded by The London Salon of Photography at its Annual Exhibition for his image Warrior Queen.
Prints of all the accepted images will go on tour to various galleries around the country including Edinburgh.
The whole Exhibition can be seen on this link 110th Exhibition 2024 – The London Salon of Photography
Young Photographer 2024 - District Success
Eden Project Biomes
The New Swiss Laundry.
Our hearty congratulations go to
Horatio Martin - (Intermediate Winner 2024 and a previous National Junior winner 2022) and
Jamie Brown (Junior Winner 2024) have both done very well at the East Anglia District Competition
An excellent result for Cambridge Rotary, paricularly as there was some very strong competition. The judges found it particularly difficult to choose the winning images and debated for some considerable time. These winning entries have been forwarded to RIBI and will be entered into the National Final.
EAF Exhibition 2024 - Cambridge Success
John won the Best Print Mono and Best Print Colour at this year's EAF Exhibition Selection. It is a pretty rare event and could even be the first time this has happened. One longtime member of the organising committee could not remember it ever happening before. John is a very accomplished landscape photographer and this is not the first award he has achieved. We are fortunate to have him as a member and very pleased for him. John also wanted to thank Nick Bowman, who organised the Cambridge entries for this exhibition, and other external competitions. You can see more of John's photography on Facebook.
Cambridge Success at A45 2024 Competition
A45 Gallery (please click on the image)
There were 9 clubs competing in the A45 competition, held in Bury St Edmunds, 4th April, 2024.
We are very proud to report that Cambridge won with 134 points followed by Ely with 131 points and Stowmarket 3rd with 125 points. In addition, our member Jane Moore won "Best Image" with her Masked Weaver Bird image. Our images and points gained are listed below.
With thanks to our members who offered their images for the competition. Congratulations to all!
International Garden Photographer of the Year
This was the winning image in the Cambridge Botanic Gardens competition. Taken in the glasshouses by our member - Allan Hale
See the other results for Cambridge here : Cambridge Results