Cambridge Camera Club


Our club was established in 1902 and is one of the larger clubs within the EAF and the UK.  We are a membership of around 200 enthusiastic amateur photographers.  Our club is based on education and much of our activity is within our Specialist Interest Groups with Practical Workshops, Critique evenings, Technical sessions and we give help and guidance to those working towards photographic distinctions and much more.  These activities are underpinned with weekly meetings of photographic talks and competitions.  There is an Annual Exhibition of Prints and PDIs, which will next run in October 2024, with awards presented by the Mayor and our sponsors, to whom we are extremely grateful.

2024/25 The new season begins 

I am excited to announce that the new Club season is upon us. Our regular Monday evening meetings run from September through to May. That does not mean that for the rest of the year things are quiet or that during the rest of the week there is nothing to do - there is usually at least one other Special Interest Group meeting every week,  on a different evening and they carry on throughout the year.  Plus a variety of trips and outings that are organised as well.  As a club we warmly welcome everyone with an interest in photography, whether that is taking images or enjoying images. If you are at the beginning of your journey with photography, as a Club we can help you increase your skills. If you have been taking photographs for many years you will find our members eager to chat about all aspects photography.

We have a wide ranging programme of talks and presentations from speakers with a wealth of experience, ready to share it with us.  There really is something for everyone. For those who like to hone their skills through competition we also have a full programme of Print and PDI competitions throughout the season.  If you are reading this, you're already here.   Please take a look around our public website to see literally 100s of inspiring images from our members, and perhaps take the next step by following the membership link below, or contact our membership secretary to learn more.  Debra Bennett, President

Membership for Season 24/25 is now OPEN:  If you would like to join us, please fill in a Membership Application.

Video About the Club

A video, made by Tim Marchant and originally shown at the opening of the 2022 Annual Exhibition, gives an excellent overview of the club and its activities.

See below for results of Club Competitions

Our Exhibition in Cambridge Independent

The Cambridge Independent have once again highlighted just a few of the fantastic images on display at our Exhibition this year.  Do not miss your chance to see this rare photographic event - to gather inspiration on subjects, composition, post-processing techniques and the art of printing.  We are fortunate indeed to have the support of  all our Sponsors.  Visit St Andrews Street Baptist Church, Cambridge CB2 3AR, in the centre of town.

Serial PDI Competition 2024-25: Round 1

For the first round of the Serial PDI competition we enjoyed a good field of 100 images (52 Colour; 48 Mono).  We thank Dave Stewart  for judging this round for us - always a popular visitor to CCC.  

Our congratulations go to top scorers (20/20)

Colour:  James Dudley, Sally Freeman, John McDowall.
Monochrome: Philip Earl; Malcolm Brown, Clive Downes.

Enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.  This is a serial competition of 3 rounds.  Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3.

It's a Knockout 2024-25

The Long Journey

Our first competition of the season is a very relaxed and demoratic event, where all the members attending get to vote for their favourite image.  The entries are all matched randomly with another image and the audience votes.  The winner goes through the next round and so on, until we get down to the last two images.  This year, congratulations go to Helen Cherry with her winning image .  Runner Up was David Trent with Gordon Brown and Andrew Colgan joint 3rd.

Print Panel Competition 2024

Dave Hipperson was our judge and brought not only excellent technical critique and advice to each and every panel, but also added more than a touch of humour.   The field was of 26  quality panels of 5 images, on a wide range of topics.  It is often said that it is a good idea to work on sets of images and  projects, and panels can come out of that way of working.  

Congratulations go to Martin Parrat who won the competition 

Click the image above to view all the top scoring panels.

Serial PDI Competition 2023-24 Round 3

For the third round of the Serial PDI competition we enjoyed a good field of 90 images (48 Colour; 42 Mono).  We thank Pauline Martindale,  for judging this round for us.  

Our congratulations go to top scorers (20/20)

Colour:  Robert Ellis, Helen Cherry; John Harvey; Jane Moore; Clive Downes.
Monochrome: Eleni Paliginis; John Harvey; Sue Badcock; Jane Moore; Alan Linsdell; Bob Coote.

Enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.  This is a serial competition of 3 rounds.  Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3.

Serial Print Competition 2023-24 Round 2

Click the above image to see the gallery of high-scoring images.

Entries reduced a little: Colour 31, Monochrome 26.   It was expertly judged by Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAP, who commented that the 'high quality of the work overall has made the judging all the more enjoyable'.  Chris is unusual in that he picked up every print, so as to be able to judge the choice of paper and mounting as well as the image itself.   We now know he is not a fan of 'matt' paper! :)  He had some of the highest praise for those images which not only engaged the eye, but also the mind and made the viewer think.  Images of frequently photographed iconic landscapes or scenes he asked the photographer for 'something more', 'something extra or different'.   His  critique was full and helpful to all and we thank him for it.  

Our congratulations go to those who impressed Chris to gain the top mark (20/20):

Colour: Peter Baker. 
Monochrome: Sarah Kelman.  

Please enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.  This is a serial competition of 3 rounds.  Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3.

Serial Print Competition 2023-24 Round 1

The first round saw a good entry of 68 prints - 38 Colour and 30 Monochrome.  It was expertly judged by Nick Akers ARPS BPE3*, President Elect of the EAF.  His critique was full and helpful to all and we thank him for it.  Our congratulations go to all those who achieved the top marks (20/20):

Colour: Malcolm Brown, Philip Earl, Clive Downes.
Monochrome: Ken Bingham, Andrew Colgan, Sally Freeman, Allan Hale.  

Please enjoy the competition gallery with all the high-scoring (18+) images, by clicking on the image above.  This is a serial competition of 3 rounds.  Points from each round accumulate until the Winners are revealed after Round 3.

Members' Websites

A number of CCC Members have their own websites, and a list of these can be found here. Shown below is a small selection of Member sites (CCC is not responsible for the external links).

Featured Items

Annual Exhibition 2024 - Coming Soon!

For the first time, our Annual Exhibition will run in parallel with the  Campkins Photography Show.  So a great opportunity of two major photography events in the same city in the same week.  We hope photographers from across the region will take full advantage of everything that is on offer.  With grateful thanks and appreciation  to our Sponsors.

In parallel with:

"In Search of ...."

Bill Ward - Actor and award-winning photorapher, comes from Newcastle and was given an Instamatic camera at the age of 7 years and loved it.  Looking back, he was clearly drawn to water as a subject, and it continues to this day.  He went into advertising for 6.5 years, but something was missing for him and he took a break, travelling, with a new Pentax and reconnected with his love for photography.  He returned and decided to retrain as a stage actor.  His profile sky-rocketed when he was cast in Coronation Street,  where 13.9million people watched his last episode.  Having become so well known and recognised,  he turned to photography, often in remote places, again, often around water to ground himself and restore some calm to his life.  His first project was 'Winter on the Coast of England'.  He says that you need to take time, to get under the skin of a place, to really see what is happening around you and it is the time he so enjoys in between his acting roles.  He now loves to use  ICM and a little infrared.  "Use your camera like a brush."  He goes out in all weather, connecting and working with what Mother Nature provides on the day.  His acting career continues successfully, alongside his award-winning photography and his galleries provide a great deal of inspiration.

Infrared Photography - Debra Bennett

Our new season was kicked off by our President with her current passion for infrared photography.  Debra has long enjoyed creative photography, often using textures in post-processing.  However, a few years ago, she decided to try infrared and purchased her first infrared camera, secondhand, and it has really fired her imagination.  "You never quite know what you're going to get, which makes it very interesting and exciting."  Having experimented with her first camera for some time, she took the decision to convert another camera to 'Full Spectrum' which gives her the most flexibility, as she can now apply filters to remove either the red, green or blue light.  Some of her beautiful images were very ethereal and 'other-worldly'; some she had converted to pure monochrome.  She took us through all the infrared options,  showing us the result of restricting the different light channels.  All in all, a very entertaining evening and at least 2 members have decided to covert their old cameras and explore the world of infrared.  

A Sample of Club Meetings from the 2023/24 Season

The articles below are brief summaries of some of the interesting talks we enjoyed last season.

Wild Islands: the nature of the Falklands - Mark Sissons

This week, we reverted to Zoom for our Club meeting and were completely captivated by Mark Sissons and his images of the wildlife in the Falkland Islands.  In Mark's words: This talk is in tandem with my latest book of the same title, produced in association with Falklands Conservation.  This wonderful archipelago has become almost a spiritual photographic home for me over the last decade that I have been photographing here and this talk looks to illustrate just why. You can expect plenty of penguins, an abundance of albatross and a diverse array of images that will illustrate the real nature of just why these islands offer so much in terms of wildlife and photography.  From our experience, Mark's description is very accurate.  Not only were his images impressive, but his knowledge of the wildlife and their behaviours was equally enthralling.  He was generous in sharing his technique and fieldcraft.  80+ members enjoyed a captivating talk.  Visit Mark Sisson Photography for great inspiration.

Street Photography: Light and Life on the Streets - Damien Demolder

A former editor of Amateur Photographer and a regular contributor to photography reviews and journals, Damien runs street photography workshops in London.  He gave a very entertaining talk on his take on street photography.  He started by explaining what his approach was when on the street - looking for that decisive moment, looking for the light, giving the sense of 'being there', capturing something 'different' - something that others will not have seen.  He demonstrated this focus with a set of sillouettes - high contrast shots with the subject sillouetted against a bright, colourful background, and not just there, but there at the moment that the subject is cleverly framed as well - the decisive moment!  Then he moved onto shadows - again, a different take on street photography, where the shadows are the subject, when the subject is not actually even in the shot.  Damien certainly got us all thinking and seeing street photography a little differently.  A very enjoyable talk.  You can see more of Damien's excellent work on his website.



A Photographic Immersion in Havana - Roy Essary MPAGB

Another busy night at the Club with the members very keen to see the architecture, faded grandeur, glorious colours and of course, those classic american cars of Havana.  Roy shared many anecdotes about the people he captured, the discussions he had and the reactions he encountered in his street photography.  Roy is a photographer who really likes people and street photography comes to him so easily and naturally.  One image sticks with my mind in particular - two men in the street, looking menacingly in Roy's direction as he took their photo.  I thought - was this where Roy did not have such a good day?  The next image gave me the answer - one man was smiling and clearly engaged in telling Roy a story.  Then the next image - the badly injured hand of the other man.  On seeing this, Roy returned to his hotel to fetch his Savlon cream, which he happily gave the man to help his hand heal.  The talk was peppered with these little cameo's and all the more interesting for that.  Roy's images were everything we could have wished for and left us feeling we had visited Havana for the evening.  See more of Roy's images here.

More of the Way I See It - Rosemary Willman HonFRPS ABPE AFIAP APAGB

When Rosemary spoke for Cambridge CC in October 2021 she was obliged to present her work via Zoom because of the Covid restrictions so, it was with great pleasure, we were able to welcome her back in person last evening to show printed images of her work.  And what a show it was!  The first half of the evening was devoted to viewing her many accomplished images, printed on a variety of papers, taken during her travels in India, Santorini, Iceland and the isles of Scotland. Rosemary has a keen eye for the unusual and we enjoyed her own interpretation of the Icelandic landscape, as well as her clever capture of light and shade in Greece.  Her images are often minimalist in style and many convey a painterly view, most of which is captured in-camera with minimal post-processing.  Rosemary’s skills in macro photography were also demonstrated by some flat-lay projects she had undertaken during lockdown.

During the second half of the evening, we enjoyed projected images taken during her recent trip to Japan.  Photographs taken both inside and out of Tokyo’s towering glass buildings captured dazzling reflections of city life, and Rosemary’s winter scenes of Hokkaido featuring trees and fields in a deep snow-covered landscape were elegant in their simplicity and style.   A visit to Rosemary's website is well worth it.

Macrophotography - Ann Miles FRPS EFIAP FBPE

70-80 members filled our hall to listen to our very own Ann Miles, one of our longest-serving members and very much an inspiration to the whole club.  She shared her considerable knowledge of equipment, settings, fieldcraft and the subjects. It was a masterclass.  Ann's website is  well worth visiting, whatever type of photographer you are.  You cannot fail to be inspired by something there.   From her profile:  I trained as a biologist and spent my working life in scientific publishing; this enabled me to keep abreast with all the changes from traditional to digital photography and printing. I have been an active photographer all my life and, for about 10 years, taught general and nature photography at university degree level. I am a Member of The London Salon which keeps me in touch with the best of pictorial photography around the world. I gained an Associateship in Nature and a Fellowship in Visual Arts and served as Deputy Chair of the Fine Arts Panel for 8 years. I now sit on the Natural History Distinction Panel. This reflects a wide spectrum of photographic interest. In my photography, I enjoy images that depict the interactions of people, architecture, nature and landscape. I have lectured all round Britain and give workshops and individual tuition.

Pax Aeterna - Clive Tanner

A packed meeting were treated to a wonderful show of exquisite prints, along with many interesting historical and architectural facts.  
Clive Tanner in his own words:   I am a photographic dabbler, moving from what was the latest to something even newer but at the same time, following my chosen photographic interests, mainly cathedral and church interior architecture. I have been fortunate to have friends/colleagues with similar interests who have guided and encouraged my picture making and help with the quest for photographic distinctions; so far these include Fellowship of Royal Photographic Society, Master Photographer of Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, Fellowship of Irish Photographic Federation and Associate of Welsh Photographic Federation, there is also Associate of Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. I am proud of these achievements and the recognition, but they do not make me a better photographer, hopefully experience, reading and talking to those who are recognised as great photographers will have positive effects.   I will show prints which were successful for the distinctions and others which have been in books of my pictures which have been produced since covid lockdown.

News and Information

Calling Young Photographers - 2024/25 Competition

The new competition details are now available on the Rotary Club of Cambridge website    It is easy and FREE to enter.  Please encourage all young people you know to get involved.  

This year's theme is  "Wonderful Water".  Entry closes 31st January, 2025

Thanks to our fellow sponsors.  

Peter Baker wins Medal at London Salon

Congratulations to our member - Peter Baker, who won one of the 10 Medals that are awarded by The London Salon of Photography at its Annual Exhibition for his image Warrior Queen.

Prints of all the accepted images will go on tour to various galleries around the country including Edinburgh.

The whole Exhibition can be seen on this link 110th Exhibition 2024 – The London Salon of Photography

Keith Gypps Achieves CPAGB

We offer congratulations to our member Keith Gypps, who achieved CPAGB with this amazing panel of nature shots.  Clearly Keith has been rewarded for his patience and increasing techincal skill.  Click on the image above to enjoy all of his successful images.

Young Photographer 2024 - District Success

Eden Project Biomes

The New Swiss Laundry. 

Our hearty congratulations go to

Horatio Martin - (Intermediate Winner 2024 and a previous National Junior winner 2022) and

Jamie Brown  (Junior Winner 2024) have both done very well at the East Anglia District Competition

An excellent result for Cambridge Rotary, paricularly as there was some very strong competition. The judges found it particularly difficult to choose the winning images and debated for some considerable time.   These winning entries have been forwarded to RIBI and will be entered into the National Final.

EAF Exhibition 2024 - Cambridge Success

Congratulations to John McDowall ....

John won the Best Print Mono and Best Print Colour at this year's EAF Exhibition Selection. It is a pretty rare event and could even be the first time this has happened. One longtime member of the organising committee could not remember it ever happening before. John is a very accomplished landscape photographer and this is not the first award he has achieved. We are fortunate to have him as a member and very pleased for him. John also wanted to thank Nick Bowman, who organised the Cambridge entries for this exhibition, and other external competitions. You can see more of John's photography on Facebook.

Cambridge Success at A45 2024 Competition

A45 Gallery (please click on the image)

There were 9 clubs competing in the A45 competition, held in Bury St Edmunds, 4th April, 2024.

We are very proud to report that Cambridge won with 134 points followed by Ely with 131 points and Stowmarket 3rd with 125 points. In addition, our member Jane Moore won "Best Image" with her Masked Weaver Bird image.  Our images and points gained are listed below.

  • Broad Bodied Chaser Female by Stacey Purkiss = 20
  • Hold That Pose by Peter Baker = 20
  • Masked Weaver Bird by Jane Moore = 20 and 'Best Image'
  • Pop-Up Otter by Lachlan French = 18
  • The Fighter by Clive Downes = 20
  • Vestrahorn at Sunset by John McDowall = 17
  • Griffon Vulture Mobbed by Hooded Crow by Sarah Kelman = 19

With thanks to our members who offered their images for the competition.  Congratulations to all!

International Garden Photographer of the Year

This was the winning image in the Cambridge Botanic Gardens competition. Taken in the glasshouses by our member - Allan Hale

See the other results for Cambridge here : Cambridge Results

Inter-Club Digital Competition 2025

Last Leaves by Peter North of Melbourn & District Photographic Club (winner of the 2024 Roy Pitman Award for best image)

The Cambridge Inter-Club Digital Competition will be held again at Whittlesford Memorial Hall on Saturday 25th January 2025. Our judge for the contest will be Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* from Eastbourne.

Cherry is a Premier Judge from the KCPA and has been giving talks and lectures since 2014, so we should be in for an entertaining afternoon.

PICO - last year's winners - managed to make it two in a row, will they retain the title in 2025?

Invitations to take part in the competition will go out in August and registration will open in September. Watch this space for details.

Full results from the 2024 competition can be obtained by clicking here or on the image above.

Please make sure that you keep us updated about any Club contact email address changes, or we might be unable to contact you now or in the future.
If you have any other queries - please feel free to contact the Inter-Club Competition Coordinator.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again in January!

Member Success at 49th Smethwick International Exhibition

Cllick on the image to enter the gallery of accepted images, to view enlarged format.

We congratulate the Members from Cambridge Camera Club who have images accepted in the 49th Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography. Sally Freeman was awarded a Silver Medal for her image Aurora Lighting Diamond Beach plus 3 other acceptances, Peter Baker had 4 acceptances, Philip Earl 2 and Richard Bircham, Allan Hale and Helen Cherry all had one image accepted. Out of the 100s of entries from very many countries we  applaude them for their successes.